Our Portfolio Companies

Small-molecule Anti-cancer Therapeutic

The Company has developed a first-in-class anti-solid tumor drug without chemo-therapeutic side effects. Now holding composition patents in 32 countries with lives through 2029, the Company uses precision medicine, assessing the response of the specific tumor to this small molecule anti-cancer drug. Phase I Clinical Trials indicate significant tumor necrosis upon the first injection. The drug will enter the animal market followed by human product. The Company provides a multi-faceted cancer treatment by also providing 3 nutritional supplements to improve recovery. To meet the solid canine tumor market estimated at $150 Million and the human market at $1.5 Billion USD per year will require an initial investment of $15 Million USD, with a total investment of $30 million within three years, taking the product through FDA Phase II approval and licensing.

Heart Failure

The company’s repurposed drug ESNtx005, is targeting orphan indications in Restrictive Cardiomyopathy (RCM), which present major unmet clinical needs. RCM is a prominent precursor to Heart Failure (HF) with poor prognosis due to the absence of a specific drug treatment. ESNtx005 has demonstrated superior efficacy in its original HF indication, supported by well-documented historical clinical data. The regulatory pathway will require ~30% of the time and cost compared to traditional drug development. The company's patent portfolio provides robust protection with comprehensive Freedom-To-Operate, First-in-Class and most valued novel Composition of Matter. Currently progressing through its Investigational New Drug (IND) phase, entering the exclusive US$300 billion orphan drug market. The success of ESNtx005 is bolstered by the government's orphan drug prioritization initiative with substantial financial and regulatory support to the company and patients.  

Anti-Microbe Solution

The Company has developed the world’s fastest-acting completely safe antimicrobial surface. When used on frequently touched surfaces, it is proven to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria, fungus, & viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, in under 2 minutes, drastically improving the current over 2-hour standard. The technology is used on common contact pathogen-spreading surfaces such as door handles, stair rails, public transit rails, grocery carts, and hospital bed rails and service appliances. With estimated maximum annual sales at $3 Billion USD, the Company is currently looking for an initial investment of $10 Million USD to take its products to distribution and an additional $20 Million USD to establish its proprietary sales and marketing operations. The Company is in negotiations with a major hospital distributor to license several configurations into installation. Up-front payments are estimated to be $100 million USD at 3 years, enabling full payback.

Antibiotic Resistant Infection Management & Wound Care

With 43 issued patents, the Company has control over the antibiotic resident infection management market. Its MedTech appliance allows complete antibiotic resistant infection management, currently impossible to resolve, as well as conventional wound care. The patented technique is applicable to human and animal health and is further applicable to agriculture. Investment in addition to the current $35 million is needed to complete FDA approval, expected mid-2024

Live-Attenuated Replication-Competent Herpes Solution

The Company has developed a novel Live-Attenuated Replication- Competent herpes virus platform, engineered for safety. Usable as viral vectors, leveraging the safety and high capacity of herpes viruses to provide HSV-1 prophylactic vaccine funded by US NIH with a commitment for future funding. The HSV-2 therapeutic vaccine received UK fast track designation to Phase I/II trial prescreening starting in Q2 2022. Herpes is an unrecognized global epidemic with more than half of the world’s population infected. There are 120 million new HSV-1 infections per year and 24 million new genital infections annually. Current therapies are suboptimal with no approved vaccines. The Rational Vaccines de-risked development strategy is the only proven approach for vaccines against alpha- herpes viruses such as the cause of chickenpox and shingles. Superior safety and efficacy were shown in pre-clinical trials in mice, guinea pigs and non-human primates. Early studies in humans demonstrated 5+ years of safety and immunogenicity.

Biopharmaceutical Production

The Company uses proprietary biopharmaceutical plant-based production of biologicals and protein drugs to provide a cost effective, rapid, and scalable biosimilar response to high-cost medicine and vaccine shortages. The plant base intellectual property is versatile and applicable to a wide range of biological products using a reliable and proven production process and bioengineering technology platform. Its cost-effective technology results in overall reduced medicine prices. The global market for Biopharma is projected at $660 Billion USD by 2027. The first investment of $10 Million USD will be used to establish a phase 1 modular production facility and initial product range. The second $10 Million USD investment and subsequent investments will be used to upscale modular production of selected biosimilar products and develop global distribution channels. A revenue of $50 million is estimated within the first 5 years.

Ovarian & Esophageal Cancers

The Company develops transformational drugs to attack the most aggressive human cancers to enable the largest difference for patients. Using both its drug development capacity and its biomarker identification systems, it picks patients that will benefit most, initially destroying existing ovarian and esophageal cancer tumors and preventing metastasis.

Damaged Lung Therapeutics

The Company is now poised to commence Phase II Clinical Trials with its lung protein replacement product. Covid 19, pneumonia, asthma and COPD are all deficient in lung protein. For example, the respiratory and inflammatory complications suffered by Covid 19 “long haulers” are often the result of such a deficiency, treatable by use of the Company’s products. Animals, particularly valuable horses with respiratory conditions, also suffer from lung protein deficiencies. With Maximized Sales estimated at $6 Billion USD, the Company requires an initial investment of $10 Million USD to bring its products to animal pharma licensing and an additional investment of $25 Million USD to take it to human pharma licensing. Animal licensing up-front fees are estimated at $50 Million USD; human at $100 Million USD, allowing payback within three to five years.

Large Burn and Blast Skin Replacement

The company has developed realSKIN® for the treatment of large burn and blast skin replacement. Over twenty international patents provide a live biotherapeutic, split-thickness, skin product derived from genetically engineered, pathogen free, porcine donors. Eliminating rejection by the patient. realSKIN contains live porcine cells, including endothelial cells of intact, native vasculature and those comprising the dermal and epidermal tissue layers. realSKIN®:reduces the need for autografting by providing metabolically-active live cells. By including the blood vessels, collagen and elastin fibers, fast healing is promoted and immune intolerance is mitigated. 

Temporary Blood Substitute

There is a large unmet need amounting to a market opportunity exceeding $6 billion globally. The company is the creator of the most advanced haemoglobin-based oxygen carrier platform. Its protected proprietary methodology demonstrated efficacy in pre-clinical models providing solutions for significant conditions such as hemorrhagic shock, respiratory distress, severe blood loss in military, civilian and veterinary trauma, and improved organ transplantation. It already received significant funding which was awarded in Federal Contracts Preclinical trials are now underway, performing Phase I Clinical Trial within one year. The company seeks tranche investments totaling $20 million to enter a global market which is estimated at $24 billion USD by 2029 with a projected annual revenue at six years of $1.8 billion USD. 

Neuropathic pain & traumatic injury therapeutics

According to the NIH, neuropathic pain, or nerve pain, is the largest unmet need and the most valuable segment in the world of pain therapeutics. Annual sales are estimated to reach US$25.2 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 12.9%. This company has developed a drug that will be transformative in the treatment of neuropathic pain. Called RM191A, it’s a patented, transdermal, small molecule complex, formulated for topical application, that’s low cost and shelf stable. In a Phase 2a clinical trial in patients suffering severe, chronic, refractory neuropathic pain, RM191A demonstrated efficacy equivalent to the most prescribed neuropathic pain drug in the world, Lyrica, after only 3 days of treatment, and on top of patients’ current medications delivering additional relief in days, not weeks. Importantly, unlike Lyrica, RM191A has no known side-effects, is safe and well-tolerated, and can be used freely in conjunction with ‘standard of care’ pain and anti-depressant medications.


In addition to its analgesia, RM191A also has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities, delivers significantly accelerated wound healing, massively reduced bruising and swelling from traumatic injury, and positively impacts a range of other inflammatory-driven conditions. With a host of indications to choose from, they’ve narrowed their clinical focus to interconnected, unmet, and commercially attractive global health needs – neuropathic pain and traumatic injury - which have combined annual sales of more than US$68 billion.  Their clinical program includes two Phase 2b/3 studies to evaluate the drug's efficacy in large, homogeneous populations. To complete its clinical program, they’re seeking US$10 million on a US$100 million post-money valuation, and project investor returns in the order of 15 - 20x at exit, given comparable sales to pharma over the last 5 years.